Sansa Media Players
Factory Reset Instructions
In order to format / reset Sansa Personal media players, do the following :
- Ensure the USB cable is connected between the computer and the player.
- Turn the player off by pressing and holding the power button for at least 10 seconds.
- Slide the top slider switch to the "Hold" position.
- Press and hold in the record switch (on the side), while pressing and releasing the power switch to turn it back on
- The display should say...."USB mode V2.0 in MSD"...or something like that.
- The computer will detect the device as a 16Mbyte Sansa drive. Using Windows Explorer (right-click start button/explore), open the drive.
- The Sansa drive should contain a .TXT file. In the same folder as the TXT file, create another folder named - sansa.fmt
- Once the sansa.fmt folder has been created, unplug the USB cable and the player should automatically format.
- Once formatted, communication is again possible.