Deleting Samsung Default Apps

It can be quite hard to delete the default apps that are pre-installed on your Samsung TV, in some cases it would be great to delete the unused ones to free up some space to install others.

We've listed the steps below to enable you to delete default apps.

  1. Reset my TV to factory settings, either through the main menu or through the Samsung Service Menu.
  2. Quickly go into the Apps menu.
  3. Enter "Developer Mode" by pressing 12345 on the remote.
  4. Restart the TV by holding down power button for 2 seconds.
  5. Open the Apps menu again.
  6. Click on settings / the cog icon.
  7. Under the app you want to remove, press "Deep Link Testing" and then hit cancel.
  8. If the "Apps" app hasn't been updated yet, the delete button should appear.